
Themen rund um den SCB.

Re: Pressemeldungen

Beitrag von roche77 » Di 26. Apr 2016, 13:04

Sieh Dir den Tweet von @SportTio an: ... 91232?s=09

Sieh Dir den Tweet von @laregione an: ... 72320?s=09

Paul Coffey
Beiträge: 2215
Registriert: Mi 10. Okt 2012, 16:46

Re: Pressemeldungen

Beitrag von Paul Coffey » Di 26. Apr 2016, 14:09

Irgendwann wollte man doch noch hochoffiziell kommunizieren, weshalb man nicht auf Laser als Zukunftscoach gesetzt hat?

Beiträge: 3814
Registriert: Di 4. Mär 2014, 22:27
Wohnort: Ostzone

Re: Pressemeldungen

Beitrag von Mononen17 » Di 26. Apr 2016, 17:31

Paul Coffey hat geschrieben:
> Irgendwann wollte man doch noch hochoffiziell kommunizieren, weshalb man
> nicht auf Laser als Zukunftscoach gesetzt hat?

Warten wir es ab...
Mich interessiert das ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr gross,denn was war,das war nun einmal.
Ich hoffe lediglich so schnell wie möglich zu erfahren,dass der SCB die Verträge mit Rüfenacht & Blum über die nächste Saison hinaus verlängern wird. ;)
Ich könnte mir sehr gut vorstellen,das sich die beiden auf manch einer Wunschliste anderer Clubs befinden.
Lasst sie Stahl fressen! (Khan Noonien Singh)

Paul Coffey
Beiträge: 2215
Registriert: Mi 10. Okt 2012, 16:46

Re: Pressemeldungen

Beitrag von Paul Coffey » Mi 27. Apr 2016, 07:09

Beiträge: 6341
Registriert: Do 11. Okt 2012, 22:51

Re: Pressemeldungen

Beitrag von Talisker » Mi 27. Apr 2016, 08:41

Paul Coffey hat geschrieben:
> Irgendwann wollte man doch noch hochoffiziell kommunizieren, weshalb man
> nicht auf Laser als Zukunftscoach gesetzt hat?

Hochoffiziell war es zwar nicht gerade, aber aus den verschiedenen Interviews von Schattenläng und Lüthi ist hervorgegangen, dass man sich vor den Play-off's entscheiden musste / wollte - hier gäbe es evtl. noch "Klärungsbedarf" - und zum damaligen Zeitpunkt die Situation naturgemäss anders beurteilt worden ist als nach dem Titelgewinn. Wobei die Frage ist, ob es für die Parteien "zumutbar" ist, hier die Details der Vertragsverhandlungen an die Öffentlichkeit zu tragen. Der Umstand, nun noch fast eine Untersuchungskommission einsetzen zu müssen um festzustellen, wer was wann gesagt, gewusst, gemusst und gedacht hatte zeigt, wo (Zitat Goethe) "des Pudels Kern" eigentlich steckt:

Nämlich in der schon mehrfach erwähnten "verunglückten" Kommunikation des grossen SCB-Vorsitzenden M. Lüthi, als er von einer "echten Chance " für L. Leuenberger sprach und dabei aber vergass, die Prüfungsdauer genau zu umschreiben bzw. die Unwägbarkeiten des Sportbusiness zu bedenken. Als dann L. Leuenberger seinen Namen "oben Rechts" auf das Lösungsblatt geschrieben und die ersten 3 Fragen mit Mühe und Not beantwortet hatte, drückte Prüfungsaufseher Lüthi unbemerkt die Stoppuhr und legte das (per Handy fotografierte...) halbfertige Lösungsblatt der Prüfungskommission vor. Die Beurteilung, welche aus unbefangener Sicht eigentlich nur eine zwischenzeitliche sein konnte, mutierte damit unversehens zum endgültigen, höchstinstanzlichen Richterspruch ohne Rekursmöglichkeit.

Nüchtern betrachtet kann man am Entscheid zum DAMALIGEN Zeitpunkt nicht viel kritisieren. Auch zum heutigen Zeitpunkt lassen sich Argumente finden, weshalb man mit LL - trotz Meisterehren - nicht weitermachen will. Lüthi brauch da nur auf die Erfahrungen mit Törmännen zu verweisen. Aber um die sachliche Ebene geht es dabei eben nicht, sondern um die menschliche. Und in dieser Hinsicht hat man unglücklich agiert und sich LL gegenüber zumindest missverständlich bis unfair verhalten. Aber wie auch schon mehrfach geleiert: Möglicherweise hat man LL damit sogar einen Gefallen getan - eine Demontage ist rasch passiert in der latent eruptiven Hockeyvulkan-Landschaft zu Bern.

Beiträge: 103
Registriert: Sa 13. Okt 2012, 07:32

Re: Pressemeldungen

Beitrag von gretzky99 » Mi 27. Apr 2016, 15:34

gemäss ard-teletext verpasst justin krueger die wm wegen eines fingerbruchs.
allerdings erfährt man da nicht, ob der finger schon in den playoffs, beim feiern in bern oder barcelona... oder erst im trainingslager der deutschen nationalmannschaft zu bruch ging.

Beiträge: 3814
Registriert: Di 4. Mär 2014, 22:27
Wohnort: Ostzone

Re: Pressemeldungen

Beitrag von Mononen17 » Mi 27. Apr 2016, 17:30

Ein neuer Aspekt im Hinblick auf unsere zukünftigen Duelle gegen den "Z":
Die "son`s" gegen die "onen`s" :D
Schwedenduo gegen Finnenduo,freue mich darauf! ;) ... 00000.html
Lasst sie Stahl fressen! (Khan Noonien Singh)


Re: Pressemeldungen

Beitrag von roche77 » Mi 27. Apr 2016, 21:05

Two weeks ago ex-Buffalo Sabre Derek Roy scored the championship-winning goal as SC Bern beat HC Lugano 3-2 for Switzerland’s National League A hockey title.

But there was more to it than that.

Bern barely made the playoffs, Lars Leuenberger taking over from fired coach Guy Boucher mid-season. How did they become the lowest-seeded team to win the Swiss league? Some are crediting Canadian sports psychologist Dr. Saul Miller, who has worked with the Medicine Hat Tigers in the past, with helping turn the season around.

Here’s a Q and A done with Miller about the stunning result:

Q: You’re getting a lot of credit for SC Bern winning the Swiss hockey championship this year.

Saul Miller: Well, in this last decade I’ve been fortunate to have been involved with three teams that won the Swiss hockey league championship: with Lugano in 2006, Bern in 2010 and now Bern again in 2016É yes, this one was special.

Q: What was so special about it?

Miller: Well, unlike previous seasons when I began consulting with teams early in the season, this was a late intervention. There were only four games remaining in the schedule and Bern was struggling. They were sitting in 10th place looking like they would miss the playoffs. It had been a rough season. The head coach (Guy Boucher) had been fired and there had been a number of significant injuries to key players, several season-endingÉ and, they were on their fourth goalie. One Swiss newspaper sarcastically heralded my arrival with an article about Bern’s probable demise entitled, Better Call Saul. I hadn’t been with Bern since 2012 but it felt familiar coming back. And it helped that I knew a number of the players from my work there in the past.

Q: What exactly did you do with the team? Did you work more with individuals or with the whole team?

Miller: Both. I started right away working with the whole team to shift the mood, to clarify our immediate goal (making the playoffs) and to introduce a framework for thinking that could generate more success. The metaphor I used was huntingÉ hunting in our end, hunting in their end, hunting every shift. I underlined that to be successful we had to be TEAM FIRST and that required a superior team effort from everyone. We had to hunt like a packÉ every shift. Then, I met individually with each player. We talked about positive thinking and imagery, about mental preparation. I showed each of them a breathing technique to help them relax and recharge, and have more emotional control. We also had several leadership meetings with half a dozen of the team leaders reinforcing the idea of TEAM FIRST.

Q: How did the players respond?

Miller: Something definitely shifted. We won a couple of big games and squeaked into the playoffs in eighth place on the final weekend. The next challenge or goal was to beat Marc Crawford’s first place Zurich team that had won a couple of championships in recent years.

Q: Were you there in Switzerland with the team for the whole playoffs?

Miller: No, after 17 intensive days with the team I headed back to North America. However, I stayed in touch with them in a variety of ways. Starting with the first playoff game and then alternating every other game thereafter, I had a video message for the team, which was played in the dressing room and posted on the players’ e-network. On alternate games there was a written message from me posted in the dressing room and on the players’ network. I also conferred with the coaches before or after each game, and I stayed in contact with every player using individual email messages and in a few cases with Skype face-to-face communication. This was the pattern we maintained throughout the entire playoffs.

Q: And something remarkable happened.

Miller: Yes, eighth place Bern went on a tear. We beat first-place Zurich in four straight games in the first playoff round. Then we faced second-place Davos, who had won the championship the previous season. We beat them four games to one in the second round. The final challenge was Lugano, whom we defeated four games to one to win the Swiss championship and make Swiss hockey history. It’s the first time in Swiss National League history that an eighth place team has won the league championship.

Q: That was quite a ride to go from being possible playoff outsiders in 10th place with a few games left in the regular seasonÉ to winning the championship.

What were the critical factors in that turnaround?

Miller: The players bought into the idea that winning was a possibility. They adopted a team first attitude and a relentless hunting mindset. And they were able to stay focused on the goal, especially in the last two series against two physical teams. There was a lot of chirping, slashing, late hits and some distracting after-the-whistle stuff in both series. I stressed the importance of focus and reminded the players of an old Arab desert saying, “The dogs bark and the caravan moves on.” The idea was that nothing takes us off track; we’re relentless, we keep our focus. I repeatedly reminded the players, after each shift, they take a breath, hydrate, and get ready to hunt again. The mantra was, “Wave after wave, shift after shift.”

Q: And the players bought into all this?

Miller: After winning the championship Justin Krueger, a Cornell graduate and former AHL player emailed me and said, “Saul everyone believed in what you were telling us and our caravan just kept rolling on.”

Q: What about the coaching staff, how did they respond to your involvement?

Miller: That was very important. In any league, it’s always the coach’s team. For me to operate effectively, I need the coach to trust me and believe in what I do. Both Lars Leuenberger, the former assistant coach who took over after Boucher was fired and the general manager had been with Bern when I was there four years previously and were familiar with my work. They asked me to come over. Lars gave me complete free reign to do what I thought was right. What was also a huge help to my communicating from afar was the goalie coach, Reto Schurch, who excelled with the Internet and with video production. Working together we were able to create some inspiring, focusing pre-game videos for the players that caught their attention, sharpened their focus, raised the emotion, and, at times, elicited a smile.

It was a total team effort at every levelÉ and the players’ relentless hunting mindset, shift after shift, wave after wave transformed a 41 per cent winning record prior to my arrival, into an 85 per cent winning record in the playoffs.

Q: It’s an impressive demonstration of how sport psychology can have significant impact on a team’s success and also your ability to get these concepts across.

Miller: The players made it happen. They responded. Let me read to you comments that four veteran Bern players sent me, incidentally, all of whom have had NHL experience:

“We were dealing with a challenging and at times frustrating season until your arrival. Your work with us, and your presence made us realize our true potential. With your help we were able to become a true winning team” — Timo Helbling

“Saul, A lot of guys needed someone like you to come in and change the mood. It was a pleasure to talk with you and listen to all your messages” — Cory Conacher

“Saul it was a pleasure working with you. You helped us more than you can imagine. You were the difference maker and everyone here appreciates the effort and wisdom that you gave us” — Derek Roy

“Saul, we couldn’t have done it without you! Like you said, a total team effort. Different hero every night” — Andrew Ebbett

Q: And finally Saul, what did the coach have to say about your involvement?

Miller: He was very generous. Let me read what Lars said to the Swiss press: “Saul helped us win a championship. His spirit, his gesture, his mind have always been with us, even when he wasn’t here anymore and could only support us by video messages. There are a lot of mental coaches, but what was impressive for me is you listen to Saul Miller cause he knows ice hockey and he gets respect from the players, beginning in the first minute, he arrives.” — Lars Leuenberger, SC Bern head coach

Q: Well, you’ve won championships in Switzerland and you won a championship with the Tigers when you were here in Medicine Hat. With all of Canada’s seven NHL teams failing to make the playoffs this year perhaps they could use your help.

Miller: I’ll be by the phone. What this exercise illustrates is that the mind is a powerful force. When a team has a positive focus, a belief that they can, some talent and the willingness to work hard and persevere almost anything is possible.

Besonders die Sätze...Lars liess mir freie Hand........und Saul.....Ebbett ein grosser Faktor!:)
Tönt mir schon ein wenig danach dass einer nicht mehr weiter wusste......:)
Könnte eben auch so ein Punkt sein wiso Marc dies spürte undvorher die Reisleine zog im Bezug auf die Zukunft!
Also.....Tomatito und Freunde von Lars......liest mal dieses Interview genau durch.......und noch so nebenbei....wer hat den Guru bezahlt.....Familienkässeli der Tigerhügels?

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Registriert: So 10. Mär 2013, 09:31
Wohnort: Downtown

Re: Pressemeldungen

Beitrag von pancho » Mi 27. Apr 2016, 22:06

jaja, Patty Schnyder hatte auch mal einen Heiler... vielleicht heiratet Saul ja bald einen der SCB-Kanadier :mrgreen:


Re: Pressemeldungen

Beitrag von roche77 » Mi 27. Apr 2016, 22:35 Shop gibts noch ein Tigerhügel Pyjama...:)
